Welcome to Free to Learn Chinese 每日中文课
Q&A - 口语俱乐部
User: 什么是口语俱乐部(Speaking Club)?
AI Customer Service: 口语俱乐部是一个每周举行的线上见面会。在这里,我们会和来自世界各地的中文学习者就各种话题展开讨论。我们的口语俱乐部分为HSK3和HSK5两个小组,学习者可以根据自己的水平选择讨论的小组。报名链接:报名参加口语俱乐部
- 生活话题:介绍一位朋友,并说明为什么这位朋友对你很重要。
- 旅行经历:讲述一次难忘的旅行经历。
- 社交媒体:你怎么看待社交媒体?你认为社交媒体对我们的生活产生了怎样的影响?
- 工作压力:上次辞职的原因是什么?你现在的工作压力大吗?
- AI技术:AI技术对我们的工作产生了怎样的影响?
User: 口语俱乐部的活动时间是什么时候?
AI Customer Service: 口语俱乐部的活动时间一般是中国时间每周一的晚上。报名链接:报名参加口语俱乐部
- HSK3小组的讨论时间是晚上8点15分到9点半。
- HSK5小组的讨论时间是晚上9点半到10点45分。
User: 在报名参加口语俱乐部的时候,我应该怎么选择分组呢?我怎么知道我是HSK3还是HSK5呢?目前我没有什么太多讨论的机会。我可以听懂,但是不太擅长口语表达,我应该怎么选择呢?
AI Customer Service: 对于第一次报名参加口语俱乐部的朋友,我们建议您可以首先加入HSK3小组。您可以先听一听大家讨论的语速和使用的语言难度。如果您觉得HSK3小组的讨论对您来说比较轻松,那么欢迎您下次选择HSK5小组的讨论。这样可以更好地评估自己的水平,逐步提升口语表达能力。报名链接:报名参加口语俱乐部
User: 如果我报名参加了HSK-3,是不是我就一直只能待在HSK-3,不能进入HSK-5的讨论小组呢?又或者,如果我报名参加了HSK-5,那么我就不能进入HSK-3,对吗?
AI Customer Service: 为了帮助大家有更多的参与讨论的机会,尤其是听他人使用中文讨论的机会,我们采用了比较开放的政策。假设您报名参加的是HSK-3小组,那么在HSK-3小组的讨论时段,您可以有充分的时间来表达自己的想法。如果您想继续听HSK-5小组的讨论,您也可以留下来,但需要注意的是,如果您是HSK-3小组的成员,当您留在HSK-5小组时,将没有讨论的机会,因为这个时间段是留给HSK-5小组的成员的。前往口语俱乐部报名
User: 如果我只是想听大家讨论,我不想发言呢?可以吗?
AI Customer Service: 我们尊重每一位学习者的选择。如果您希望在口语俱乐部的过程中只是倾听,不发表个人的观点和分享,那么您可以提前发送邮件,告知我们您希望仅仅听而不需要口语表达。这样在活动进行中,主持老师将不会主动邀请您发言。
User: 怎么报名参加口语俱乐部呢?
AI Customer Service: 作为官网会员,您有很多方式可以报名参加口语俱乐部。
第一种方式,请您前往官网,找到会员口语俱乐部的页面。进入页面后,点击“Get Your Zoom Link Now”按钮,填写您的个人信息以及您希望参加的小组(HSK3或HSK5),然后提交申请,您就会立刻在您的邮箱中收到Zoom会议邀请的链接。这是第一种报名参加的方式。
User: 如果我临时有事没有时间参加怎么办?我已经报名了,但是我没时间参加。
AI Customer Service: 如果您因为临时有事无法参加,您可以随时发送邮件到 danliao@free-to-learn-chinese.com,告知取消口语俱乐部。您的邮件将帮助老师了解前来参加的人员情况,做好充分的准备。再次感谢您对我们工作的理解。
邮件标题: 取消口语俱乐部 / Cancel Speaking Club
邮件内容: 由于临时有事,我现在取消口语俱乐部。 / Due to unexpected matters, I need to cancel my participation in the Speaking Club.
User: 为什么我提交了申请,但是没有收到Zoom链接呢?
AI Customer Service: 通常来说,当您提交了申请,我们的系统会自动向您的邮箱发送Zoom会议的链接。但是,有时候您在填写时可能填写了错误的邮箱地址,导致链接无法顺利送达您的收件箱。因此,您可以再次填写申请,并仔细查看您的邮箱地址是否填写正确。报名链接:报名参加口语俱乐部
如果您还是没有收到Zoom链接,请发送邮件到 danliao@free-to-learn-chinese.com。
邮件标题: 提交了申请,但没有收到Zoom链接 / Submitted Application, but No Zoom Link Received
邮件内容: 我提交了申请,但是没有收到Zoom链接。我希望报名参加口语俱乐部。谢谢。 / I submitted the application but did not receive the Zoom link. I would like to join the Speaking Club. Thank you.
User: 请问口语俱乐部每个小组有多少人?通过什么形式来参加这个活动?
AI Customer Service: 每日中文课的口语俱乐部是一个Zoom线上见面会。首先,如果您想报名参加口语俱乐部,请前往官网会员口语俱乐部页面填写申请表。然后您就会在您的邮箱中收到我们的链接。请注意,请填写注册会员时所使用的邮箱,以便我们确认您的会员身份,因为口语俱乐部是只为会员提供的一个口语活动。
User: 口语俱乐部的举行时间是北京时间的周一晚上,但这对于我所在的国家时区非常不便,我无法参加口语俱乐部。你们是否可以修改时间呢?
AI Customer Service: 首先,非常感谢您的提问,对您所在的时区无法参加口语俱乐部表示抱歉。由于我们的学员来自世界各地,而老师目前在法国,同时我们的多数学员主要集中在亚洲时区,例如中国、日本、韩国、越南、俄罗斯,南美洲的巴西,以及欧洲的学员。因此,我们选择了北京时间晚上8点15分到晚上10点45分,希望您能够理解。
同时,您还可以考虑加入2024年8月我们刚刚测试的Learn by Doing Zoom个人分享活动。您可以和廖丹老师预约一个30分钟的One-on-One Zoom见面会,讨论即将分享的主题。通过一次Zoom个人分享,您可以选择感兴趣的话题,或者进行个人访谈。我们可以将您的分享和访谈内容制作成中文课程,这不仅利于您的个人成长和学习,同时还可以将您的分享内容分享给更多的中文学习者。
User: 我从来没有使用过Zoom线上会议软件。请问在参加口语俱乐部的时候有哪些注意事项?
AI Customer Service: 为了您有一个更好的会议体验,请您在手机、电脑或iPad等电子设备上下载Zoom APP会议软件。同时,为了确保您在会议发言中的音质清晰,请佩戴耳机并使用耳机话筒。因为有时电脑的话筒质量相对模糊,可能在您发言时导致老师和其他学员无法听清您的声音。
User: 我从来没有使用过Zoom线上会议软件。请问在参加口语俱乐部的时候有哪些注意事项?
AI Customer Service: 为了您有一个更好的会议体验,请您在手机、电脑或iPad等电子设备上下载Zoom APP会议软件。同时,为了确保您在会议发言中的音质清晰,请佩戴耳机并使用耳机话筒。因为有时电脑的话筒质量相对模糊,可能在您发言时导致老师和其他学员无法听清您的声音。
User: 怎么准备口语俱乐部呢?这是我第一次参加。
AI Customer Service: 如果您是第一次参加口语俱乐部,首先请准备一个个人介绍。我们会邀请新学员做一个个人介绍。廖丹老师可能会问:“请你用中文做一个简短的个人介绍好吗?”您的自我介绍可以包括以下内容:
- 您叫什么名字,希望大家怎么称呼您。
- 您来自哪个国家。
- 您为什么学习中文,学习中文多长时间了。
- 您的工作背景或学习背景,您现在是学生还是正在工作,您从事的是哪个行业。
User: 我不是YouTube会员,也不是官网会员,怎么参加口语俱乐部呢?
AI Customer Service: 如果您目前是非会员,您可以考虑加入每日中文课官网会员,或者每日中文课YouTube频道的口语俱乐部会员。
- 每月会员:19.99欧元/月,自动循环扣费,您可以随时取消。
- 半年会员:每月13.66欧元,需要一次性缴付半年会费,没有循环支付。
- 一年会员:每月12.32欧元,需要一次性缴付一年会费,没有循环支付。
User: 我只有15-30分钟的时间参加口语俱乐部,因为口语俱乐部的活动时间对我的时区难参加,怎么办?
User: I only have 15-30 minutes to participate in the Speaking Club, as the time slot makes it difficult for my time zone. What should I do?
AI Customer Service: 我理解您只有30分钟的时间能够参与。关于时间安排,我们确实意识到当前的Zoom口语俱乐部时间(北京时间晚上8:15到10:45)对亚洲和欧洲的学员比较适合。然而,我们也意识到这个时间对北美和南美的学习者来说可能不太方便。鉴于我们需要考虑大多数学员的时区和老师的时间安排,Zoom口语俱乐部的时间选择确实有限。遗憾的是,这意味着我们无法完全满足来自各个地区的学习者的需求,为此我深表歉意。
AI Customer Service: I understand that you only have 30 minutes to participate. Regarding the scheduling, we do recognize that the current time slot for the Zoom Speaking Club, from 8:15 pm to 10:45 pm Beijing time, is quite suitable for participants in Asia and Europe. However, we are aware that this time may not be convenient for learners in North and South America. Given that we need to consider the time zones of the majority of our learners as well as the availability of our instructors, the options for scheduling the Zoom Speaking Club are indeed limited. Unfortunately, this means that we are unable to fully accommodate learners from every region, and I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
That being said, even if you only have 15 to 30 minutes to join the session, you can still make the most out of it! We suggest preparing in advance and letting the instructor know by raising your hand early, so they can give you priority to speak. This way, you can maximize your participation time and ensure you get the practice you need, even within a shorter window.
We encourage learners to use whatever time they have to engage and practice, and we're here to support you in making the most out of your available time.
User: 为什么ZOOM 1-on-1只有很少可预约的时段?我需要更多口语练习的机会。
User: Why are there only limited slots available for the Zoom 1-on-1 sessions? I need more opportunities for speaking practice.
AI Customer Service: 感谢您对“Learn by Doing”项目的关注以及对更多口语练习机会的渴望。关于Zoom一对一30分钟的预约时段,我需要澄清一些重要信息。
AI Customer Service: Thank you for your interest in the "Learn by Doing" section and your eagerness for more practice opportunities. I’d like to clarify a few important points regarding the Zoom one-on-one 30-minute sessions.
First, it’s essential to understand that these one-on-one meetings with Teacher Liao Dan are not simply casual conversation sessions. The reason why the available slots are limited is because many learners mistakenly believe this is an opportunity for personal one-on-one chat practice. However, these 30-minute meetings are specifically designed to prepare learners who are about to become Zoom Speaking Club hosts and need guidance for their personal sharing sessions.
Let me explain further how this works and how you can make the most of these resources to enhance your Chinese speaking skills. When you schedule a Zoom one-on-one session, it indicates that you are preparing to become a host in the Zoom meeting. You’ll be sharing a topic of your choice, which could be related to your life, work, travel, or any other subject you’re passionate about. In addition to deciding on the topic, you’ll need to think about how long you plan to present (e.g., 5, 10, or 15 minutes) and whether you’ll be using any images or videos during your presentation.
When you meet with Teacher Liao Dan, the goal is to practice your presentation and refine it with her guidance. She will ask you various questions to assess your preparedness and give you feedback on how to improve your content. You can also ask her questions about the logistics of hosting the session, such as how to manage audience questions, what to expect during the session, and how to handle technical challenges. This practice helps you feel more confident and fully prepared to deliver your presentation.
Because the purpose of these 30-minute sessions is focused on preparation for leading a Zoom Speaking Club meeting, they are not intended as regular conversational practice sessions. Due to a high number of learners booking these sessions under a misunderstanding, we occasionally close the scheduling options. Additionally, during holiday periods like summer and winter breaks, these sessions may be unavailable.
We encourage you to book a Zoom one-on-one session when you are ready to prepare for your personal sharing. Before booking, please choose your topic and decide on the content you plan to share. The one-on-one resource is valuable, so we hope every learner can make the most of it.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to supporting your learning journey!
User: 我是官网会员,怎么参加口语俱乐部呢?
User: I am a website member, how do I join the Speaking Club?
AI Customer Service: 首先,请您使用您的官网会员账号登录官网,前往官网的会员口语俱乐部页面,填写申请表。前往会员口语俱乐部 具体步骤如下:
AI Customer Service: First, please log in to the website with your member account, go to the Speaking Club page, and fill out the application form. Go to the Speaking Club The specific steps are as follows:
- 进入会员口语俱乐部页面:
- 在页面上方找到一个“Get Your Zoom Link”的按钮,点击这个按钮,会弹出一个弹窗。
Find a "Get Your Zoom Link" button at the top of the page, click it, and a popup will appear.
- 在页面上方找到一个“Get Your Zoom Link”的按钮,点击这个按钮,会弹出一个弹窗。
- 填写申请表:
- 您需要填写您的姓名、会员邮箱、参加的群组(HSK3还是HSK5)、选择您的国家等相关信息。
You need to fill in your name, member email, group (HSK3 or HSK5), country, and other relevant information. - 点击“Submit”提交表单。
Click "Submit" to submit the form.
- 您需要填写您的姓名、会员邮箱、参加的群组(HSK3还是HSK5)、选择您的国家等相关信息。
- 接收Zoom会议邀请:
- 提交成功后,我们会向您的邮箱发送Zoom会议邀请的链接。
After successful submission, we will send a Zoom meeting invitation link to your email. - 这封邮件包括会议主题和会议时间,请按照活动时间前来参加。
This email includes the meeting topic and time. Please join the meeting according to the scheduled time.
- 提交成功后,我们会向您的邮箱发送Zoom会议邀请的链接。
- 检查邮件:
- 如果您没有收到邮件,请检查是否在填写表单时输入了错误的邮箱,导致无法收到Zoom会议邀请。
If you did not receive the email, please check if you entered the wrong email address on the form, which would prevent the Zoom meeting invitation from being sent to you. - 如果您确认填写正确但仍未收到邮件,请随时发送邮件到我们的工作邮箱:danliao@free-to-learn-chinese.com。
If you confirm that you filled in the correct email but still did not receive the email, please send an email to our work mailbox at: danliao@free-to-learn-chinese.com.
- 如果您没有收到邮件,请检查是否在填写表单时输入了错误的邮箱,导致无法收到Zoom会议邀请。
User: 怎么报名参加第67期口语俱乐部?
How to sign up for the 67th Speaking Club?
AI Customer Service: 请前往官网 报名参加
Please visit the official website to sign up.
User: 第67期口语俱乐部时间是什么时候?
When is the 67th Speaking Club session?
AI Customer Service: 第67期口语俱乐部时间更改为周五,8月16日。
The 67th Speaking Club session has been rescheduled to Friday, August 16.
- HSK3小组:中国北京时间20:15-21:30
HSK3 Group: 20:15-21:30 Beijing Time - HSK5小组:中国北京时间21:30-22:45
HSK5 Group: 21:30-22:45 Beijing Time
User: 为什么时间更改?
Why was the time changed?
AI Customer Service: 因为假期原因,距离9月1日开学还有最后三周的时间,我们全家将带着孩子一起去度假,因此活动时间调整到8月16日。
Due to the upcoming vacation and the three weeks left before the school starts on September 1st, our family will be taking a vacation together, so the session has been rescheduled to August 16th.
User: 第68期口语俱乐部的活动时间以及话题是什么?
User: What is the schedule and topic for the 68th Speaking Club session?
AI Customer Service: 第68期口语俱乐部的话题是“一次难忘的旅行”。
AI Customer Service: The topic for the 68th Speaking Club session is "A Memorable Trip".
The HSK3 group session is scheduled for Monday, August 26, 2024, from 8:15 PM to 9:30 PM Beijing Time. The HSK5 group session will take place on the same day, Monday, August 26, 2024, from 9:30 PM to 10:45 PM Beijing Time.
The 68th Speaking Club session was postponed to August 26 instead of being held on August 19 due to the summer holiday. Typically, the Speaking Club is held every Monday, but since August 19 to August 23 is a holiday week and Teacher Liao Dan is on vacation, the session has been rescheduled to August 26.
User: 第69期的活动时间?
When is the 69th session?
AI Customer Service: 第69期口语俱乐部将于8月30日,周五举行,时间有所调整。通常我们的活动是在每周一进行,但由于假期原因,本期特别安排在周五。
The 69th Speaking Club session will be held on Friday, August 30th. Usually, our sessions are on Mondays, but this session is specially scheduled for Friday due to the holidays.
User: 本期活动的主题是什么?
What is the topic for this session?
AI Customer Service: 欢迎参加我们本周的口语俱乐部活动!本次的主题是“你的老师凶吗?”
Welcome to this week's Speaking Club event! The theme for this session is "Was Your Teacher Strict?"
User: 第70期口语俱乐部活动时间是什么时候?
When is the session time?
AI Customer Service: 🗓 活动时间是9月2日,周一,北京时间。
The session time is Monday, September 2nd, Beijing Time.
User: 第71期口语俱乐部活动时间是什么时候?
When is the session time?
AI Customer Service: 🗓 活动时间是9月9日,周一,北京时间。
The session time is Monday, September 9th, Beijing Time.
User: 口语俱乐部如何分组?
How is the event divided into groups?
AI Customer Service: 📌 活动分为两个小组:
📌 The event is divided into two groups:
- HSK3小组:北京时间20:15 - 21:30 | HSK3 Group: 8:15 PM - 9:30 PM Beijing Time
- HSK5小组:北京时间21:30 - 22:45 | HSK5 Group: 9:30 PM - 10:45 PM Beijing Time
User: 第70期口语俱乐部中我们会讨论什么内容?
What will we discuss during the session?
AI Customer Service: 在你求学的过程中,你是否遇到过一个特别凶的老师?他有多凶呢?你能形容一下他的样子或者行为吗?
During your school years, did you ever have a particularly strict teacher? How strict were they? Can you describe their appearance or behavior?
Q: 第71期口语俱乐部讨论什么话题?
A: 第71期口语俱乐部的讨论主题是“为什么改变这么难?”。我们将探讨为什么在设定明确目标后,实际实现改变却如此困难。讨论内容包括你正在尝试改变的目标是什么,为什么这些目标难以实现,是否存在隐藏的目标,以及这些目标背后的价值观。通过这一讨论,我们希望帮助大家寻找突破心智障碍的方法。
Q: What is the topic of the 71st Speaking Club session?
A: The 71st Speaking Club session will discuss the topic "Why is it so hard to change?". We will explore why it is difficult to achieve change even when our goals are clear. The discussion will include what goals you are currently trying to change, why these goals are difficult to achieve, whether there is a hidden goal behind them, and the values underlying these goals. Through this discussion, we aim to help participants find ways to overcome mental barriers.
User: 如何报名参加?
How can I sign up?
AI Customer Service: 您可以通过官网报名,点击以下链接了解详情并完成报名:
You can sign up through our website. Click the link below for more details and to complete your registration:
User: 老师会擅自取消口语俱乐部吗?
Will the teacher cancel the Speaking Club without notice?
AI Customer Service: 通常来说不会,廖丹老师会尽最大努力每周定期组织口语俱乐部活动,一般是每周一。但如果遇到节假期,或是不可控的其它原因,活动时间可能会调整甚至取消。通常来说,每日中文课会保证活动时间规律且坚持进行。
Usually not. Teacher Liao Dan will do her best to organize the Speaking Club every week, typically on Mondays. However, if there are holidays or uncontrollable reasons, the schedule may be adjusted or canceled. Generally, Daily Chinese Class ensures regular and consistent activities.
User: 什么是语音留言功能?或者一分钟中文挑战。
AI Customer Service: 一分钟中文挑战其实也叫语音留言功能,是我们在官网专门为会员开设的一项口语练习功能,专门针对那些工作繁忙没有时间参加口语俱乐部,但是又迫切希望能够有机会用中文进行对话的朋友。会员可以通过在官网的语音留言功能,发送语音信息给廖丹老师,可以讲讲自己的工作生活,或者对某个问题的看法。就像朋友一样,发送语音信息,用中文进行聊天。更多详情请访问:一分钟中文挑战。
AI Customer Service: The One Minute Chinese Challenge, also known as the voice message function, is a speaking practice feature we offer exclusively for members on our website. It is designed for those who are too busy to participate in the Speaking Club but still wish to have the opportunity to converse in Chinese. Members can use the voice message function on the website to send voice messages to Teacher Dan Liao. You can talk about your work and life or share your opinions on a particular issue. It’s like sending voice messages to a friend and chatting in Chinese. For more details, please visit: One Minute Speaking Challenge.
User: 我可以通过语音信息聊什么话题呢?
AI Customer Service: 这是一个自由对话的机会。你可以用语音信息来聊一聊你的生活工作,或者对某个问题阐述一些自己的观点。如果你遇到了任何中文学习的问题,你还可以通过语音信息发送问题来跟廖老师讨论。通过这种方式可以更便捷地和老师进行一对一的对话,不受时差的限制。
AI Customer Service: This is an opportunity for free conversation. You can use voice messages to talk about your life and work or to express your views on a particular issue. If you encounter any problems in learning Chinese, you can also send your questions via voice message to discuss them with Teacher Liao. This way, you can conveniently have one-on-one conversations with the teacher without being limited by time differences.
User: 每条语音信息我可以录制多长时间的内容呢?
AI Customer Service: 每条语音信息最多可录制两分钟的内容。
AI Customer Service: Each voice message can be recorded for up to two minutes.
User: 我每天或者每周最多可以发多少条语音信息呢?
AI Customer Service: 目前我们对每天和每周发送语音信息的数量并没有一个明确的限制。但是当廖老师回复语音信息的时候,会根据学员发送的顺序来依次回复,尽可能地照顾到每一位学员的需求。因此请考虑到我们有大量的学员需要回复。请您考虑到这是一个由廖丹老师一个人来回复的口语练习项目,因此分配到每位学员的对话机会是有限的。除了语音聊天功能,你还可以考虑口语俱乐部或者Zoom个人分享的活动,通过更加综合的方式来提高口语,而不是单一地使用语音聊天功能。希望您能够理解。
AI Customer Service: Currently, we do not have a specific limit on the number of voice messages you can send daily or weekly. However, when Teacher Liao replies to voice messages, they will be answered in the order they are received, trying to accommodate each student's needs as much as possible. Please keep in mind that we have many students who need replies. Please consider that this speaking practice project is managed by Teacher Liao alone, so the conversation opportunities allocated to each student are limited. Besides the voice chat function, you might also consider the Speaking Club or Zoom personal sharing activities. These provide a more comprehensive way to improve your speaking skills rather than relying solely on the voice chat function. We hope you understand.
User: 我发送出语音信息后多久会收到回复呢?
AI Customer Service: 廖老师通常会在48小时以内回复您的语音信息,但如果遇到节假日,可能会延长至48小时左右回复。
AI Customer Service: Teacher Liao usually replies to your voice messages within 48 hours, but if it is during holidays, the response time may extend to around 48 hours.
User: 我在哪里可以回复廖老师的语音信息呢?我怎么样发送语音信息呢?
AI Customer Service: 你有多种方式可以给廖老师发送语音信息。
第一种办法: 请您前往官网找到“一分钟中文挑战”的页面,在那里您可以找到大量的语音信息样本。您可以点击三角形播放语音信息,收听廖老师的语音留言,然后点击replay按钮,开始录制您的语音信息。更多详情请访问:一分钟中文挑战。
第二种办法: 您可以通过邮箱的方式来回复廖老师的语音留言。假设您收到了廖老师的语音信息,这封信息是在您的邮箱里。请您点击邮箱里的链接,您会看到一条语音信息的页面,然后点击replay按钮可以开始录音。如果您对您的录音不满意,还可以点击reset再次录制,直到满意为止。点击发送。请您在发送时记得填写您的官网会员或是YouTube AI会员的邮箱,因为我们将通过邮箱地址来确认您的会员身份。如果我们无法确认发送者的邮箱身份,那么您的语音信息可能不会得到回复。
AI Customer Service: You have multiple ways to send voice messages to Teacher Liao.
First method: Go to the website and find the "One Minute Chinese Challenge" page. There, you can find numerous voice message samples. You can click the triangle to play the voice messages, listen to Teacher Liao's voice messages, and then click the replay button to start recording your voice message. For more details, please visit: One Minute Chinese Challenge.
Second method: You can reply to Teacher Liao's voice messages via email. If you receive a voice message from Teacher Liao in your email, click the link in the email. You will see a page with the voice message, and then you can click the replay button to start recording. If you are not satisfied with your recording, you can click reset to re-record until you are happy with it. Then click send. Please remember to fill in your website membership or YouTube AI membership email when sending, as we will verify your membership status through the email address. If we cannot verify the sender's email identity, your voice message may not receive a reply.
User: 我发给廖老师的语音信息会不会被公布在网上吗?
AI Customer Service: 每日中文课非常重视每个人的肖像权以及隐私的权利。未经学员的允许,我们不会擅自把您的肖像或者录音或者视频片段公布在网络上。如果您在我们的课程平台上看到了其他学员的视频录音或是照片,那么说明在分享前我们已经征得了这位会员的同意,才得以在网络上分享。如果您有任何问题可以在口语俱乐部,或是发送语言信息提出您的疑虑。
AI Customer Service: Free to Learn Chinese places great importance on everyone's right to portrait and privacy. Without the student's permission, we will not publish your portrait, recording, or video clips online. If you see videos, recordings, or photos of other students on our course platform, it means that we have obtained the member's consent before sharing them online. If you have any concerns, you can raise them in the Speaking Club or send a voice message.
User: 为什么语音留言功能又叫做一分钟口语挑战呢?是只能发送一分钟的信息吗?
AI Customer Service: 不是这样的。由于在活动创建初期,我们考虑到有些学员非常害怕用中文进行讨论,因此我们定了一个口语练习的最低标准,从一分钟开始,或者说一分钟以内,你可以录制甚至十秒到十五秒的一个简短的个人介绍。通过降低要求来鼓励大家发出语音信息,提高中文口语。但是随着大家对这一活动越来越熟悉,信心大增,那么表达的需求也在增加。因此我们把录音的时间从一分钟增加到了两分钟。如果活动进展顺利,我们会继续增加录音的时间,来确保满足更大的交流需求。关于录制的时间,您不必过于担心。您可以从简单的自我介绍打招呼开始,比如一个十秒的录音也是可以的。如果您对某个话题有一个完整的想法,发现两分钟根本说不完,您可以在发出第一条信息之后再发送一条信息来补充说明您刚才没完成的观点。
AI Customer Service: It's not like that. When the activity was first created, we considered that some students were very afraid to discuss in Chinese, so we set a minimum standard for speaking practice, starting from one minute or less. You can even record a brief self-introduction of ten to fifteen seconds. By lowering the requirements, we encourage everyone to send voice messages and improve their spoken Chinese. However, as everyone becomes more familiar with this activity and gains confidence, the demand for expression also increases. Therefore, we have increased the recording time from one minute to two minutes. If the activity progresses smoothly, we will continue to increase the recording time to meet greater communication needs. You don't need to worry too much about the recording time. You can start with a simple self-introduction or greeting, even a ten-second recording is acceptable. If you have a complete idea about a topic and find that two minutes is not enough, you can send another message to supplement the points you didn't finish in the first one.
ZOOM个人分享 Learning by Doing
User: 什么叫Zoom个人分享?我可以怎么利用它来提高中文口语?
AI Customer Service: 每日中文课在口语俱乐部以及语音聊天功能的基础上,在2024年8月开启了Zoom个人分享这一口语练习功能的测试。我们希望能够邀请会员作为Zoom的主持人,向其他学习者分享自己感兴趣的话题。例如你的个人爱好,也许你喜欢运动,你可以讲一讲你有什么运动的秘诀,保持健康、坚持运动的秘诀。又或者你喜欢阅读,你可以分享一本你最喜欢的书推荐给大家。你还可以分享你所在的国家的文化,以及难忘的一次旅行,或者你最近在生活和工作中遇到的一次挑战。总之是任何你感兴趣的话题。更多详情请访问:Zoom个人分享。
AI Customer Service: Free to Learn Chinese launched a test for the Zoom personal sharing speaking practice feature in August 2024, building on the speaking club and voice chat functions. We hope to invite members to act as Zoom hosts and share topics of interest with other learners. For example, your personal hobbies, maybe you like sports, you can talk about your sports tips, how to stay healthy, and the secrets to maintaining an exercise routine. Or perhaps you like reading, and you can share a book you love and recommend it to everyone. You can also share the culture of your country, a memorable trip, or a recent challenge you faced in your life or work. In short, any topic you are interested in. For more details, please visit: Zoom Personal Sharing.
AI Customer Service: 我们希望通过这种方式转变学习者和老师的角色。在以往的学习平台,你看到的是老师作为主讲人来给学生们分享中文内容。例如,你在YouTube频道看到了大量廖丹老师拍摄的视频课程。但是,学习的关键环节并不完全依赖于老师的输出,其实很大程度依赖于学习者是否采取了真正的行动。例如,你是否采取行动用中文来表达你感兴趣的话题,真正应用你学到的知识呢?这是所有学习环境当中关键却非常有挑战的一个环节。这就是为什么我们在口语俱乐部和语音对话功能技术上为大家提供了一个Zoom个人分享的环节,名字叫Learning by Doing。我们需要通过采取行动应用来进行学习,边用边学,而不是一味地输入语言的词汇语法知识。我们需要通过应用把学到的内容真正变成自己的。
AI Customer Service: We hope to transform the roles of learners and teachers through this method. On traditional learning platforms, you see the teacher as the speaker sharing Chinese content with students. For example, you see many video courses by Teacher Liao Dan on the YouTube channel. However, a key part of learning does not rely entirely on the teacher's output but largely depends on whether the learner takes real action. For example, have you taken action to express topics of interest in Chinese, truly applying what you have learned? This is a critical yet very challenging aspect of any learning environment. That's why, based on the speaking club and voice chat functions, we provide a Zoom personal sharing segment called Learning by Doing. We need to learn by taking action and applying, learning while using, rather than just inputting vocabulary and grammar knowledge. We need to apply what we have learned to truly make it our own.
User: 每次Zoom个人分享可以分享多少分钟呢?有时间限制吗?
AI Customer Service: 由于每个人分享的内容不同,方式不同,因此我们没有对分享的时间做任何限制。比如你可以进行一个五分钟的简短的分享,又或者一个15分钟到三十分钟左右的个人演讲。时间的长短完全由你来控制。有的人可能会在Zoom个人分享中教大家如何烹饪,或者做一些复杂的活动,那么时间长度可能有所延长。因此我们没有对活动的时间进行任何的限制,完全取决于你选择的活动类型所需要的时间,大家有充分的自由空间。
AI Customer Service: Since each person's sharing content and method are different, we do not impose any time limit on the sharing duration. For example, you can do a short five-minute share, or a personal presentation of about 15 to 30 minutes. The length of time is entirely up to you. Some people might teach others how to cook or perform some complex activities during the Zoom personal sharing, so the duration might be extended. Therefore, we do not impose any time limit on the activity. It completely depends on the time required for the type of activity you choose, providing everyone with the maximum freedom.
User: Zoom个人分享需要做哪些准备呢?
AI Customer Service: 你可以前往Learn by Doing的页面,跟廖丹老师预约一个三十分钟的一对一线上见面会。通过这次会面,你可以首先聊一聊你希望跟大家分享的主题以及方式,廖丹老师可以及时提醒你需要考虑到的一些问题。如果你有任何关于Zoom个人分享的问题,可以在这次一对一的见面会当中提出来。更多详情请访问:Learn by Doing。
AI Customer Service: You can go to the Learn by Doing page and schedule a 30-minute one-on-one online meeting with Teacher Liao Dan. During this meeting, you can first discuss the topic and method you want to share with everyone, and Teacher Liao can promptly remind you of some considerations. If you have any questions about Zoom personal sharing, you can raise them during this one-on-one meeting. For more details, please visit: Learn by Doing.
User: Learn by Doing页面上的Zoom三十分钟一对一线上见面会是否只能用来准备Zoom个人分享的话题呢?如果我遇到了学习问题,可以向廖丹老师咨询吗?
AI Customer Service: 你当然可以预约一个三十分钟的一对一Zoom线上见面会来跟廖丹老师反馈你在官网学习的过程中遇到的困难和问题。例如,你需要哪些学习的建议都可以在Zoom的一对一见面会当中提出来。
**避免** 尽可能不要占用Zoom一对一的方式来解决官网使用的问题**。我们希望能够把Zoom一对一这样的机会留给那些需要准备Zoom个人分享的学员。这样的机会非常宝贵,希望我们每位学员都能最有效地利用这样的学习机会。感谢您的理解。
AI Customer Service: Of course, you can schedule a 30-minute one-on-one Zoom online meeting to discuss any difficulties and issues you encounter during your study on the website with Teacher Liao Dan. For example, if you need study advice or do not know how to operate the website, you can raise these questions in the Zoom one-on-one meeting. However, please remember that our website has hundreds of students, and **the ability to learn independently and solve problems is very important**. **Before scheduling a Zoom meeting, please first try to resolve your issues using the AI Customer Service feature**. Free to Learn Chinese is a Chinese learning platform collaboratively operated by real people and AI. You can delegate some repetitive tasks to the AI Customer Service. **You can use the AI Customer Service to independently solve many questions about membership rules, website usage, and so on**.
However, if the AI cannot resolve highly personalized issues, such as discussion topics or preparation that requires Teacher Liao's guidance, then you should schedule a Zoom one-on-one meeting. If the AI Customer Service cannot answer your questions, you can bring them up in the Speaking Club or send a voice message.
**Please try to avoid using Zoom one-on-one for issues related to website usage**. We hope to reserve Zoom one-on-one opportunities for those preparing for Zoom personal sharing. **These opportunities are very valuable, and we hope every student can make the most effective use of them**. Thank you for your understanding.
User: Zoom个人分享的活动我除了可以在Zoom当中作主持人跟大家分享以外,有其他的方式可以进行分享吗?
AI Customer Service: 除了在Zoom中做主持人跟大家分享内容以外,你还可以跟廖丹老师预约一个中文访谈栏目。对于中文访谈的形式以及内容,你可以参考以往我们制作的学员访谈课程。如果你有任何感兴趣的话题,希望进行这样的访谈活动,请发送邮件到我们的工作邮箱:danliao@free-to-learn-chinese.com。
AI Customer Service: Besides being the host and sharing content with everyone in the Zoom personal sharing activity, you can also schedule a Chinese interview session with Teacher Liao Dan. For the format and content of the Chinese interview, you can refer to the interview courses we have produced with previous students. If you have any topics of interest and wish to conduct such an interview, please send an email to our work email: danliao@free-to-learn-chinese.com.
User: 如果我想进行Zoom个人分享要做哪些准备活动呢?
AI Customer Service: 准备活动一般分成三步:
**第一步**:你可以在Learn by Doing页面跟廖丹老师预约一个三十分钟的Zoom一对一线上见面会,来探讨你即将分享的主题以及分享的方式。
**第三步**:内容确定下来,前两步都完成之后,接下来你可以确定一个个人分享的时间。你可以在Learn by Doing页面预约Zoom一对一的一个时间段。廖丹老师会把你预约这个会议的链接发送给我们的会员们,大家将会通过链接来参加你的分享活动。
AI Customer Service: The preparation activities generally consist of three steps:
**First step**: You can schedule a 30-minute Zoom one-on-one online meeting with Teacher Liao Dan on the Learn by Doing page to discuss the topic you will share and the way you will share it.
**Second step**: After the Zoom one-on-one meeting, you can make an initial recording of the content you will share, like a rehearsal. You can send this recording to us through our work email. This ensures that you are familiar with the content you will share and that the event runs smoothly. At the same time, Teacher Liao Dan will review your recording and provide timely feedback on any vocabulary errors or areas that need correction.
**Third step**: Once the content is confirmed and the first two steps are completed, you can then schedule a time for your personal sharing session. You can book a time slot for a Zoom one-on-one session on the Learn by Doing page. Teacher Liao Dan will send the meeting link to our members, who will join your sharing session through the link.
User: 我即将做Zoom个人分享,我怎么确定我分享的时间段呢?是任何我想分享的时间吗?
AI Customer Service: 为了确保您分享的时间是大多数学员都能够参加的时间,同时也便于我们管理会议室的预约,请您前往Learn by Doing页面,在Zoom一对一和廖老师的线上见面会的预约时间表上选择一个对你来说较为方便的时间。虽然您预约的是一个一对一和廖丹老师的Zoom线上见面会,但是廖丹老师会把这个会议的Zoom链接发给我们的会员。会员拥有了链接就可以进入会议室,这样我们就可以充分利用预约软件的便利性,最大程度地减少组织分享活动的流程复杂性。
AI Customer Service: To ensure that the time you choose for sharing is convenient for most students and to facilitate the management of the meeting room booking, please go to the Learn by Doing page and select a convenient time slot from the Zoom one-on-one online meeting schedule with Teacher Liao. Although you are booking a one-on-one Zoom online meeting with Teacher Liao Dan, Teacher Liao will send the Zoom link for this meeting to our members. Members with the link can join the meeting room, allowing us to take full advantage of the convenience of the booking software and greatly reduce the complexity of organizing sharing activities.
Therefore, for most people, personal sharing activities may require two bookings. The first booking is for a discussion with Teacher Liao Dan about your personal sharing topic and preparation. The second booking is for the time slot when you will be the host and share with everyone.
User: 我在哪里可以看到我的Zoom个人分享的链接、时间段和标题呢?
AI Customer Service: 一旦您的个人分享时间和话题确定,我们将会把您的分享链接和Zoom会议链接发布在官网的Learn by Doing页面。您可以在这个页面的下方找到Zoom个人分享的相关信息,包括分享人的名字、分享的主题以及Zoom会议室的链接。其他学员将根据您的会议时间点击会议链接,随时进入会议室。更多详情请访问:Learn by Doing。
AI Customer Service: Once your personal sharing time and topic are confirmed, we will post your sharing link and Zoom meeting link on the Learn by Doing page of our official website. At the bottom of this page, you can find the relevant information about Zoom personal sharing, including the sharer's name, the sharing topic, and the Zoom meeting room link. Other students will be able to join the meeting room at the scheduled time by clicking the meeting link. For more details, please visit: Learn by Doing.
User: 如果我提前改变了计划不能参加Zoom一对一和廖丹老师见面会,我应该怎么办呢?
AI Customer Service: 如果您因为临时有事不能参加Zoom一对一和廖丹老师的线上见面会,您可以随时点击取消或者修改会议的时间。当您取消会议或者修改会议时间后,我们的预订系统会自动发送一封邮件给廖丹老师以及您的邮箱,确保双方都得到通知。在您收到预定确认邮件里,您可以找到取消或修改见面时间的链接。
AI Customer Service: If you need to change your plans and cannot attend the Zoom one-on-one meeting with Teacher Liao Dan, you can cancel or reschedule the meeting at any time. When you cancel or reschedule the meeting, our booking system will automatically send an email to both Teacher Liao Dan and your email address to ensure that both parties are informed. In the confirmation email you received for the booking, you can find the links to cancel or reschedule the meeting.
User: 当我进行Zoom个人分享的时候会有很多人来参加吗?观众会问问题吗?
AI Customer Service: 是否有很多人来参加您的Zoom个人分享取决于您选择的时间段以及其他学员是否对您的分享主题感兴趣。因此我们并没有一个准确的估算,在您分享时有多少个观众将进入Zoom会议室。但是对这一情况您不需要紧张。因为您可以提前设置是否留出问答时间。如果您对自己的个人分享非常自信,您可以设定问答时间。如果您分享的话题较为复杂,您可以不设置任何问答环节。
AI Customer Service: Whether many people attend your Zoom personal sharing session depends on the time slot you choose and whether other students are interested in your sharing topic. Therefore, we do not have an exact estimate of how many viewers will enter the Zoom meeting room when you share. However, you don't need to worry about this situation. You can set whether to leave a Q&A time in advance. If you are very confident in your personal sharing, you can set a Q&A time, allowing the audience to ask questions. If your topic is more complex, you can choose not to have any Q&A session.
If only Teacher Liao is present when you conduct your Zoom personal sharing, you don't need to worry. We will record your personal sharing, add Chinese subtitles, and make it into a Chinese course to share with more students. We hope that in this way, we can maximize the flexibility of the sharer's schedule and not impose any attendance requirements on the audience.
User: 我可以在Zoom个人分享时分享图片、视频或音频吗?
AI Customer Service: 在Zoom个人分享的过程中,您可以随时分享图片、音频和视频。但请确保您分享的内容中不包含伤害他人的信息,以及宗教、政治、种族等敏感信息。
AI Customer Service: During your Zoom personal sharing session, you can share images, audio, and videos at any time. However, please ensure that the content you share does not include harmful information or sensitive topics such as religion, politics, and race.
User: 这是我第一次在 Learn by Doing 页面跟廖丹老师预约一个 Zoom 一对一的线上见面会。在这次见面会当中,我应该做什么准备呢? 这次见面会,我们要解决什么问题呢?
User: This is my first time scheduling a one-on-one Zoom meeting with Teacher Liao on the Learn by Doing page. What should I prepare for this meeting? What issues will we address in this meeting?
AI Customer Service: 当你第一次预约 Zoom 一对一见面会, 你需要提前准备好你即将跟大家分享的主题。
AI Customer Service: When you schedule your first one-on-one Zoom meeting, you need to prepare the topic you will share with everyone in advance.
首先你要明确的是,Zoom 个人分享的意思是指 你将向其他学员分享你个人的兴趣爱好或者你感兴趣的话题。
First, you need to understand that a Zoom personal sharing session means you will share your personal interests or topics of interest with other students.
你将作为 Zoom 会议的主持人来进行中文分享。
You will act as the host of the Zoom meeting to share in Chinese.
Therefore, it is very important to clarify the topic.
和廖丹老师的第一次 Zoom 一对一线上见面会 其实是需要帮助你明确你即将分享的主题, 分享的时间长度, 以及分享的方式。
The first one-on-one Zoom meeting with Teacher Liao is to help you clarify your upcoming sharing topic, the length of the sharing, and the method of sharing.
Clarifying these issues through this meeting will ensure that your personal sharing session goes smoothly.
User: 请问Zoom一对一先生见面会是一个中文辅导课程吗?
User: Is the one-on-one Zoom meeting with Teacher Liao Dan a Chinese tutoring session?
AI Customer Service: 你在Learn by Doing页面预约的和廖丹老师的Zoom一对一见面会不是一个词汇语法或者口语的私教辅导课程。
AI Customer Service: The one-on-one Zoom meeting with Teacher Liao Dan you booked on the Learn by Doing page is not a private tutoring session for vocabulary, grammar, or speaking.
This opportunity is mainly used to help students prepare for the Zoom personal sharing session.
If you have any vocabulary or grammar issues, you can consult the AI Chinese Teacher.
If you don't get a satisfactory answer, you can also bring it up in the Speaking Club or through voice messages.
Please remember to leave this valuable opportunity for those who need it. Thank you for your understanding.
User: 我已经进行了第一次Zoom一对一的线上见面会,然后我要做些什么呢?
User: I have already had the first one-on-one Zoom meeting, what should I do next?
AI Customer Service: 如果你在Zoom一对一的第一次线上见面会上和廖丹老师已经明确了你分享的主题、时长以及分享的方式,那么你可以发送语音文件,把你要说的话录下来,发送到我们的工作邮箱danliao@free-to-learn-chinese.com,或者通过语音聊天功能,把你要分享的内容发送给廖丹老师。
AI Customer Service: If during the first one-on-one Zoom meeting you have clarified the topic, duration, and way of your sharing with Teacher Liao Dan, you can record your speech and send the audio file to our work email at danliao@free-to-learn-chinese.com, or use the voice chat function to send your content to Teacher Liao Dan.
This way, you can rehearse your content in advance, making you more confident during the actual sharing, and Teacher Liao Dan can help correct any vocabulary or grammar mistakes.
However, remember that there are many ways to prepare. For example, you can use the AI Chinese Teacher to ask about grammar and vocabulary issues. Visit AI Chinese Teacher.
Please use AI tools to independently complete parts of your preparation that can be done on your own. For issues that cannot be resolved through these tools, consult Teacher Liao Dan.
This process will help you be more confident and fluent during your actual Zoom personal sharing session.
预约 ZOOM 1-on-1
问:我希望为 ZOOM 个人分享做准备,请帮我跟廖丹老师预约 ZOOM 1-on-1。
Q: I want to prepare for a ZOOM personal sharing session. Please help me schedule a ZOOM 1-on-1 with Teacher Liao Dan.
A: Sure. Please click the link below, copy the template, and fill in the topic you wish to share.
邮件模板 (Email Template)
标题 (Subject): 预约ZOOM1-on-1 我想当ZOOM主持人 请帮我做准备
内容 (Body): 请帮我做准备 - 我想当 ZOOM 主持人做个人分享。我的主题是:XXX。
Subject: Booking ZOOM 1-on-1 I want to be a ZOOM host Please help me prepare
Body: I would like to prepare - I want to host a personal sharing session on ZOOM. My topic is: XXX.
User: 请问YouTube会员见面会和官网会员的口语俱乐部有什么区别?
AI Customer Service: 官网会员的口语俱乐部是一个每周定期举行的口语活动,仅限官网会员以及YouTube频道的口语俱乐部会员参加。而YouTube会员Zoom见面会是针对所有YouTube会员的线上见面活动,时间并不固定。每期的主要目的是回答YouTube会员关于中文学习和会员权限方面的咨询问题。
- 时间频率: 官网会员的口语俱乐部每周定期举行,而YouTube会员见面会是不定期举行的活动。
- 活动内容: 官网会员口语俱乐部每周选择不同的话题,邀请学员进行讨论,并且分为HSK3和HSK5两个小组。而YouTube会员见面会则没有具体的话题,也不进行分组。
User: 最近一期的YouTube会员见面会是什么时候?什么人可以参加?
User: When is the next YouTube Members Meeting, and who can attend?
AI Customer Service: 我们将在2024年8月9日中国北京时间周五晚上的九点到十点进行YouTube会员见面会。
AI Customer Service: We will hold the next YouTube Members Meeting on Friday, August 9, 2024, from 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM Beijing Time.
Participants include current YouTube members, former YouTube members, and enthusiastic fans who have supported the YouTube channel, as a token of our appreciation.
The application process is very simple. If you want to participate, please click the link below and fill out the application form, including your name and email. We will send the Zoom meeting link to your inbox.
Additionally, you can check the latest members' meeting details on the YouTube channel, Facebook, or through the AI customer service. Please make sure to attend on time.
别让这些借口阻碍你的中文进步! | Don't Let These Excuses Stop You From Learning Chinese 🧠
借口一:我还没准备好,我还是先看视频自学吧 | I'm not ready yet. I'll study on my own first 🎥
🔴 真相: 别等到“一切完美”才开始,因为你会因此错过许多宝贵的练习机会。语言学习最重要的是实践的过程,而不是在初期就完美。
🔵 策略:
✅ 利用每日课程的AI中文老师高效准备。AI老师24小时在线,随时解答词汇和语法问题,帮助你提高自信心。
✅ 利用语音聊天功能,把你想表达的内容提前输出,做好口语俱乐部的热身。
借口二:我还没法完全听懂,参加群体讨论没用 | Can't fully understand, so group discussions won't help 🎧
Truth: Improving listening skills is a gradual process; no one fully understands others from the beginning. Avoiding real interaction will only delay your progress.
- 接受并适应不舒服感,初次参与可能会不适,但这正是成长的必经之路。
Embrace and adapt to discomfort; initial participation may feel uneasy, but this is a necessary part of growth. - 利用安全的练习环境,口语俱乐部提供了一个支持性的环境,让你无忧练习和提高。
Utilize a safe practice environment; the Speaking Club provides a supportive space for you to practice and improve without worry.
借口三:我不知道该说什么 | Don't know what to say 🤔
Truth: It's normal not to know what to say, but avoiding practice will make you miss valuable opportunities. Every practice is a chance to improve.
- 利用AI中文老师帮助你准备谈话内容,生成例句并纠正语法错误。
Use the AI Chinese Teacher to help prepare your conversation topics, generate example sentences, and correct grammar mistakes. Learn more
👉https://free-to-learn-chinese.com/your-ai-teacher/ - 尝试简单的自我介绍或短句开始,逐步挑战更复杂的交流内容。
Start with simple self-introductions or short sentences, then gradually challenge yourself with more complex interactions.
借口四:一说话就紧张,还是不参加群体讨论了 | Nervous in groups 😰
Truth: Many people feel nervous in group discussions, but this is exactly the opportunity to improve your speaking skills.
- 专注于倾听他人的表达,而不是把注意力放在自己身上。这一策略可以快速降低你的焦虑和紧张。
Focus on listening to others instead of fixating on yourself. This approach can quickly reduce your anxiety and nervousness. - 语言学习是一场勇者的游戏:停止下意识地苛责和攻击自己,接纳不可预测和不完美。
Language learning is a game for the brave: stop subconsciously criticizing and attacking yourself; embrace unpredictability and imperfection.
加入优惠码 SAVE20EUR:在付款时输入优惠码:SAVE20EUR,课时费再原有优惠价基础上再减20欧元!🎉
Enter the promo code SAVE20EUR at checkout to receive an additional €20 off on top of the existing discounted rates! 🎉
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