

How to Quickly Learn a New Field: The Importance of Building a Knowledge Framework and Context

Learning new knowledge is not just about gathering specific information; it’s about realizing the importance of building a knowledge framework. Every time you encounter new knowledge, it should be integrated into your system and framework, turning your knowledge base into a flourishing tree with deep roots. Without such a framework, learning turns into a collection of random information – like picking up leaves in a forest and stuffing them into your pocket. You end up with many leaves but no system to find them again when needed. Without a structure, quick retrieval becomes impossible, and the more you learn, the more you forget. Even the best memory can’t hold everything. Therefore, learning new knowledge and understanding how to structure and connect it becomes crucial.


The next question is: How do you build such a framework and context? One way is to refer to frameworks that others have already established. Standing on the shoulders of giants allows you to see further. For example, by looking at the table of contents of a book, identifying reliable sources of information, and even asking AI, you can start to build your own structure. Our primary goal in learning should be to organize this framework, not get lost in gossip and trivial information.



Building a framework can be the most time-consuming part. The first step is to ask “why” frequently. By questioning, you can gradually untangle the context. Start with the issues most relevant to you and reason step by step. Eventually, you will form a complex but understandable framework. “Asking why” is a shortcut in thinking.


Many problems can be solved step by step with this mindset. For example, to increase the sales of a bubble tea shop, you might consider cost reduction and efficiency improvement. How do you achieve these? By asking step by step. When you encounter a problem again, it is no longer an isolated issue but part of an overall framework.


Another method is to use timelines for structuring. You can build a framework step by step by focusing on significant events and tracing the development timeline through to the outcomes.


During the process of building a knowledge framework, it’s crucial to resist the urge to dive into event details through social media and gossip news. Information sources like short videos and breaking news often lead us into a trap of fragmented information without our awareness. Therefore, when selecting sources of information, it’s important to discern whether the information provided is merely fragmented or if it contributes to understanding the overall framework and the developmental context of the subject.


The next essential skill in organizing knowledge is establishing a process. For example, the answer to “How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?” lies in simple and fixed steps: open the refrigerator door, put the elephant inside, and then close the door. Even the most skilled pilots follow a fixed procedure to check what needs to be done before takeoff rather than simply relying on their experience and intuition. A simple and effective process can help us stay focused, reducing errors and issues with divided attention.


Initially, your thought process might be simple and linear. But as you delve deeper, you will gradually develop a network-like logic. You’ll find that people with such a framework seem to know the answer to almost every question. We can find fragmented information on the internet, but the knowledge trees in experts’ minds are built over time through dedicated effort.


So, the next time you aim to learn a new field quickly, remember that it’s not just a game of collecting information but an adventure in building and nurturing your personal knowledge system. This path may be complex, but it ultimately leads to the depths of knowledge, revealing pearls hidden beneath the surface.

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