Do you want to understand everyday conversations? Stop learning textbook Chinese.

你一定有过这样的疑问?为什么学了那么多年中文,却听不懂中国人的日常对话。真实原因就是:你在课本里学到的词汇和句型很多都是正式,语法正确的,句型完整的表达。但人们在日常中使用的语言,却常常简单又“含糊”,带有很强的地域特点,甚至有些时候不符合你在课本上学到的语法规则。 简单来说,要想听懂日常对话,你就得了解人们的日常对话习惯以及文化。

You must have had this question: Why, after so many years of studying Chinese, can’t I understand the everyday conversations of Chinese people? The real reason is: The vocabulary and sentence patterns you learn in textbooks are often formal, grammatically correct, and fully expressed. However, the language people use daily is often simple and “vague,” with strong regional characteristics, and sometimes it doesn’t even follow the grammar rules you learned from textbooks. To understand everyday conversations, you must understand people’s speaking habits and culture.


Finding movies and TV dramas too hard to understand? I’ve created a ‘TV drama’ short film more suitable for foreigners learning Chinese.


In this course, you will learn

  • 生活化的对话场景:如何在电话中交流、如何在打车时与司机交流、如何在聚会上介绍朋友等真实生活中的场景。

Life-like conversation scenarios: such as how to communicate on the phone, how to converse with the driver when taking a taxi, how to introduce friends at a party, and other real-life scenarios.

  • 实用的表达和词汇:我们会从对话中挑选出实用的表达和词汇进行详细讲解,例如”这会儿”、”啊”的语气词以及”呢”的用法。

Practical expressions and vocabulary: We will select useful expressions and vocabulary from the dialogues for a detailed explanation, for example, ‘这会儿’ , the modal particle ‘啊’, and the usage of ‘呢

  • 文化理解:你还将有机会更深入地理解中国的日常生活和文化,比如为什么我们要说“师傅”来称呼出租车司机,以及“碰杯”和“干杯”的区别等。

Cultural understanding: You will also have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of daily life and culture in China, such as why we call a taxi driver ‘师傅’ and the difference between ‘碰杯’ (toast lightly) and ‘干杯’ (down the drink)


This is a Chinese learning series made up of six video episodes. Through the phone conversation between Zhang Peng and Xiao Lin, the daily conversations between Zhang Peng, Xiao Lin, and Xiao Mei, Zhang Peng and Xiao Mei’s taxi ride, and various scenarios at the party, you will learn how to understand and fluently use spoken Chinese in daily life.


Episode 1: Calling Friends for Dinner


Episode 2:Can I Bring My Girlfriend Along?”


Episode 3:Where Are You Now?”


Episode 4:When Can We Hail a Cab?


Episode 5:Where Are You Going? [Taking a Taxi]”


Episode 6:: Introducing Girlfriend to Friends


Learning Chinese is Not Difficult, Especially When You Have the Right Methods and Tools


Teach You to Understand TV Dramas’ in the Daily Chinese Class is just such a tool. It will guide you into real Chinese conversations and allow you to enjoy the learning process while smoothly mastering the language.


Whether you are a beginner in Chinese or already have some foundation, this course will bring you new insights and gains. You will discover that Chinese can be so lively and interesting, and that you can easily grasp practical expressions and vocabulary through watching dramas.

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Want to download the course subtitles? Join Our Membership to access over 400 courses eBooks


Download course eBooks, and look up and translate new words you want to learn anytime! This isn’t just simple subtitles; you can quickly learn essential vocabulary and core sentence structures in the eBook, making your Chinese learning more efficient. The Chinese eBook is also your audiobook, allowing you to listen and read simultaneously, helping you improve your speaking, listening, and reading skills comprehensively. Learning Chinese in this way enhances your language skills and enables you to understand and experience Chinese culture more deeply. Learning Chinese through dramas is a new beginning for your Chinese study!

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